The “Cluni”

In 1985 (exactly on the 8th of September) a Clan des Universitaires, called “Cluni”, was founded within the RaRo branch. Cluni was intended for all RaRo who could no longer participate regularly in the activities of their local group because they studied at a university or higher education abroad. The “Cluni” should be an opportunity for these guides and scouts abroad to maintain contact with the route and the LGS.


Our group

In the academic session of 1 March 2019 to celebrate 100 years of Luxembourgish guides and scouts, Jom Weber and Christiane Meyers, who both worked at the University of Luxembourg, came up with the idea of a new group for students in Esch -Belval.

In August 2020, Jom and Christiane met with Caroline Residori, Françoise Kemp and David Wolter to think about the founding of a scout group at the University of Luxembourg.

On December 18, 2020, the first online activity took place in Discord, where, in addition to the General Commissioners of the LGS, five interested RaRo participated.

On February 27, 2021, the five founding members officially applied to the central committee of the LGS to establish a new local group of the LGS in Esch-Belval. The central committee gave its approval to this on May 6, 2021. In September, we elected Marie Sklodowska-Curie as patron of the new group.

Our connection to the University of Luxembourg

Our group is recognized by as a Recognized Partner. A Recognized Partner is an association that has at least two students from on its committee and offers activities also (but not exclusively) for students from Thanks to this recognition, we are allowed to use various services of, such as e.g. spaces to carry out our activities, communication channels to publicize our activities. However, we are not eligible for financial support from