Where can you find us?

The postal address of our group is the Maison du Savoir of the University of Luxembourg in Esch-Belval:

LGS Grupp Marie Sklodowska-Curie

c/o Maison du Savoir (MSA), Office of Student Life

2, avenue de l’Université

L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

Due to our recognition as a recognized partner of the University of Luxembourg, we are allowed to use the rooms in the Maison des Arts et des Étudiants (MAE) and small rooms of the Maison du Savoir for our activities.


We also use virtual rooms for our meetings with students who are not studying in Luxembourg.


If you have general questions about our group, you can send an email to info(at)esch-belval.lgs.lu.

If you have questions about the branch of the Raro or Albatrosses with activities in Luxembourgish, you can send an email to raro.albatrossen(at)esch-belval.lgs.lu.

If you have questions about the branch of the Raro or Albatrosses with English-speaking activities, you can send an email to studentscouting(at)esch-belval.lgs.lu.